R-local Delaunay inhibition model
Rabi oscillations of 2D electrons under ultrafast intersubband excitation
Radial and angular rotons in trapped dipolar gases
Radial distribution function of penetrable sphere fluids to second order in density
Radial DLA: two fractal dimensions and deviations from self-similarity
Radial marginal perturbation of two-dimensional systems and conformal invariance
Radiation Induced Landau-Lifshitz-Gilbert Damping in Ferromagnets
Radiative Heat Transfer and Effective Transport Coefficients
Radiative Phase Transitions and Casmir Effect Instabilities
Radiative transfer in a spherical, emitting, absorbing and anisotropically scattering medium
Radiative Transport in a Periodic Structure
Radio Frequency Selective Addressing of Localized Particles in a Periodic Potential
Rain, power laws, and advection
Ramsey fringes formation during excitation of topological modes in a Bose-Einstein condensate
Randmoness and Step-like Distribution of Pile Heights in Avalanche Models
Random Ancestor Trees
Random and deterministic walks on lattices
Random and ordered phases of off-lattice rhombus tiles
Random bond Ising systems on a general hierarchical lattice: Exact inequalities
Random Boolean Networks