S-ordered phase-space path integrals and time-s-ordering of Heisenberg operators (reseach notes)
S-wave contact interaction problem: A simple description
S=1 kagomé Ising model with triquadratic interactions, single-ion anisotropy and magnetic field: exact phase diagrams
Saddle index properties, singular topology, and its relation to thermodynamical singularities for a phi^4 mean field model
Saddles on the potential energy landscape of a Lennard-Jones liquid
Saltatory drift in a randomly driven two-wave potential
Sampling along reaction coordinates with the Wang-Landau method
Sampling constraints in average: The example of Hugoniot curves
Sampling diffusive transition paths
Sampling properties of random graphs: the degree distribution
Sampling rare fluctuations of height in the Oslo ricepile model
Sampling the two-dimensional density of states g(E,M) of a giant magnetic molecule using the Wang-Landau method
Sampling Time Effects for Persistence and Survival in Step Structural Fluctuations
Sand as Maxwell's demon
Sandpile avalanche dynamics on scale-free networks
Sandpile model on a quenched substrate generated by kinetic self-avoiding trails
Sandpile model on an optimized scale-free network on Euclidean space
Sandpile Model with Activity Inhibition
Sandpile on Scale-Free Networks
Sandpiles on the Sierpinski gasket