I. Territory covered by N random walkers on deterministic fractals. The Sierpinski gasket
Ice model and eight-vertex model on the two-dimensional Sierpinski gasket
Ice XII in its second regime of metastability
Ideal Bose gas in fractal dimensions and superfluid $^4$He in porous media
Ideal chains with fixed self-intersection rate
Ideal Fermi gases in harmonic oscillator potential traps
Ideal gas in nonextensive optimal Lagrange multipliers formalism
Ideal Gas-Like Distributions in Economics: Effects of Saving Propensity
Ideal Gases in Time-Dependent Traps
Ideal glass transition in a simple 2D lattice model
Ideally Efficient Irreversible Molecular Gears
Identification of a polymer growth process with an equilibrium multi-critical collapse phase transition: the meeting point of swollen, collapsed and crystalline polymers
Identification of clusters of companies in stock indices via Potts super-paramagnetic transitions
Identification of domain walls in coarsening systems at finite temperature
Identification of essential and functionally moduled genes through the microarray assay
Identification of the critical temperature from non-equilibrium time-dependent quantities
Identification of topologically different valence bond states in spin ladders
Identifying "communities" within energy landscapes
Identifying Business Sectors from Stock Price Fluctuations
Identifying reactive trajectories using a moving transition state