Facet Formation in the Negative Quenched Kardar-Parisi-Zhang Equation
Facet ridge end points in crystal shapes
Faceted anomalous scaling in the epitaxial growth of semiconductor films
Faceting Transition in an Exactly Solvable Terrace-Ledge-Kink model
Facilitated Asymmetric Exclusion
Facilitated diffusion of proteins on chromatin
Facilitated movement of inertial Brownian motors driven by a load under an asymmetric potential
Facilitated spin models in one dimension: a real-space renormalization group study
Facilitated spin models of dissipative quantum glasses
Facilitated spin models on Bethe lattice: bootstrap percolation, mode-coupling transition and glassy dynamics
Facing Non-Stationary Conditions with a New Indicator of Entropy Increase: The Cassandra Algorithm
Factorised steady states for multi-species mass transfer models
Factorised Steady States in Mass Transport Models
Factorised Steady States in Mass Transport Models on an Arbitrary Graph
Factorising numbers with a Bose-Einstein condensate
Factorization and escorting in the game-theoretical approach to non-extensive entropy measures
Factorization of percolation density correlation functions for clusters touching the sides of a rectangle
Factorization symmetry in lattice Boltzmann simulations
Factorized ground state for a general class of ferrimagnets
Factors that predict better synchronizability on complex networks