Vacancy diffusion in the Cu(001) surface II: Random walk theory
Vacancy diffusion in the triangular lattice dimer model
Vacancy effects in an easy-plane Heisenberg model: reduction of T_c and doubly-charged vortices
Vacancy localization in the square dimer model
Vacancy supersolid of hard-core bosons on the square lattice
Vacancy theory of melting
Vacancy-Mediated Disordering Process in Binary Alloys at Finite Temperatures: Monte Carlo Simulations
Vacancy-mediated domain growth in a driven lattice gas
Valence bond ground states in quantum antiferromagnets and quadratic algebras
Validation of the Jarzynski relation for a system with strong thermal coupling: an isothermal ideal gas model
Validity condition of the Jarzynski relation for a classical mechanical system
Validity of Fluctuation Theorem on Self-Propelling Particles
Validity of nonequilibrium work relations for the rapidly expanding quantum piston
Validity of the additivity principle in the weakly asymmetric exclusion process with open boundaries
Validity of the factorization approximation and correlation induced by nonextensivity in $N$-unit independent systems
Validity of the Hohenberg Theorem for a Generalized Bose-Einstein Condensation in Two Dimensions
Validity of the one-dimensional dissipative Boltzmann equation for point particles up to the clustering regime
Validity of the second law in nonextensive quantum thermodynamics
Value-at-Risk and Tsallis statistics: risk analysis of the aerospace sector
Van der Waals and Casimir interactions between atoms and carbon nanotubes