Jacobi Crossover Ensembles of Random Matrices and Statistics of Transmission Eigenvalues
Jaggedness of Path Integral Trajectories
Jammed Hard-Particle Packings: From Kepler to Bernal and Beyond
Jamming and asymptotic behavior in competitive random parking of bidisperse cars
Jamming and pattern formation in models of segregation
Jamming and Stress Propagation in Particulate Matter
Jamming as a critical phenomenon: a field theory of zero-temperature grain packings
Jamming during the discharge of granular matter from a silo
Jamming Model for the Extremal Optimization Heuristic
Jamming of directed traffic on a square lattice
Jamming Percolation and Glass Transitions in Lattice Models
Jamming percolation and glassy dynamics
Jamming probabilities for a vacancy in the dimer model
Jamming transition in a cellular automaton model for traffic flow
Jamming transition in a highly dense granular system under vertical vibration
Jamming transition in a homogeneous one-dimensional system: the Bus Route Model
Jamming Transition in CA Models for Traffic Flow
Jamming transition in granular media: A mean field approximation and numerical simulations
Jamming transition with fluctuations of characteristic acceleration/braking time within Lorentz model
Jamming transitions in amorphous packings of frictionless spheres occur over a continuous range of volume fractions