Width of Rough Interfaces on Asymmetric Lattices
Wigner Surmise For Domain Systems
Wigner-Crystal Formulation of Strong-Coupling Theory for Counter-ions Near Planar Charged Interfaces
Wigner-Kirkwood expansion for semi-infinite quantum fluids
Will jams get worse when slow cars move over?
Wilson renormalization of a reaction-diffusion process
Wilson-like real-space renormalization group and low-energy effective spectrum of the XXZ chain in the critical regime
Wind on the boundary for the Abelian sandpile model
Winding angle distribution for planar random walk, polymer ring entangled with an obstacle, and all that: Spitzer-Edwards-Prager-Frisch model revisited
Winding angle distribution of 2D random walks with traps
Winding Angle Distributions for Directed Polymers
Winding angle variance of Fortuin-Kasteleyn contours
Winding angles for two-dimensional polymers with orientation dependent interactions
Winding clusters in percolation on the Torus and the Moebius strip
Winding Number of Fractional Brownian Motion
Winding of planar gaussian processes
Winding up by a quench: Insulator to superfluid phase transition in a ring of BECs
Windings of the 2D free Rouse chain
Winner-relaxing and winner-enhancing Kohonen maps: Maximal mutual information from enhancing the winner
Winning quick and dirty: the greedy random walk