What is the connection between ballistic deposition and the Kardar-Parisi-Zhang equation?
What is the length of a knot in a polymer?
What is the order of 2D polymer escape transition?
What is the temperature of a granular medium?
What should a statistical mechanics satisfy to reflect nature?
What the survivors' areas do at long times?
When do generalized entropies apply? How phase space volume determines entropy
When does coarsening occur in the dynamics of one-dimensional fronts ?
When is a quantity additive, and when is it extensive?
When non-extensive entropy becomes extensive
When nonlinear Fokker-Planck equations yield power-law distributions?
When topology triggers a phase transition
When translocation dynamics becomes anomalous
Whether the mean-field two-length scale theory of hydrophobic effect can be microscopically approved?
Which is the temperature of granular systems? A mean field model of free cooling inelastic mixtures
Which mechanism underlies the water-like anomalies in core-softened potentials?
White noise flashing Brownian pump
Whitham-Toda Hierarchy in the Laplacian Growth Problem
Who is the best connected scientist? A study of scientific coauthorship networks
Whole-plane self-avoiding walks and radial Schramm-Loewner evolution: a numerical study