Off-critical Casimir effect in Ising Slabs with Symmetric Boundary Conditions in d=3
Off-diagonal correlations of lattice impenetrable bosons in one dimension
Off-diagonal correlations of the Calogero-Sutherland model
Off-Diagonal Density Profiles and Conformal Invariance
Off-diagonal Ground State Properties of a 1D Gas of Fermi Hard Rods
Off-Diagonal Long-Range Order in Bose Liquids: Irrotational Flow and Quantization of Circulation
Off-diagonal long-range order, cycle probabilities, and condensate fraction in the ideal Bose gas
Off-equilibrium dynamics in a singular diffusion model
Off-equilibrium generalization of the fluctuation dissipation theorem for Ising spins and measurement of the linear response function
Off-equilibrium relaxational dynamics with improved Ising Hamiltonian
Off-lattice Kinetic Monte Carlo simulations of strained heteroepitaxial growth
Off-lattice Kinetic Monte Carlo simulations of Stranski-Krastanov-like growth
Off-lattice Noise Reduced Diffusion-limited Aggregation in Three Dimensions
Off-lattice noise reduction and the ultimate scaling of DLA in two dimensions
Offsprings of a point vortex
Ohta-Jasnow-Kawasaki Approximation for Nonconserved Coarsening under Shear
Olami-Feder-Christensen Model on different Networks
Old and new results on multicritical points
Omori Law for Sliding of Blocks on Inclined Rough Surfaces
Omori's law in the Internet traffic