Growth Exponent in the Domany-Kinzel Cellular Automaton
Growth Inside a Corner: The Limiting Interface Shape
Growth Law and Superuniversality in the Coarsening of Disordered Ferromagnets
Growth mechanisms of vapor-born polymer films
Growth model with restricted surface relaxation
Growth Models and Models of Turbulence : A Stochastic Quantization Perspective
Growth of a vortex polycrystal in type II superconductors
Growth of Patterned Surfaces
Growth of surfaces generated by a probabilistic cellular automaton
Growth Optimal Investment and Pricing of Derivatives
Growth, Percolation, and Correlations in Disordered Fiber Networks
Growth-Optimal Strategies with Quadratic Friction Over Finite-Time Investment Horizons
Guessing probability distributions from small samples
Guest Charge and Potential Fluctuations in Two-Dimensional Classical Coulomb Systems
Guest charges in an electrolyte: renormalized charge, long- and short-distance behavior of the electric potential and density profile
Guided Simulated Annealing Method for Optimization Problems
Gumbel distribution and current fluctuations in critical systems
Gutenberg-Richter Law for Internetquakes
Gutenberg-Richter Scaling - A New Paradigm
Gyration radius of a circular polymer under a topological constraint with excluded volume