Binary Reactive Adsorbate on a Random Catalytic Substrate
Binary spreading process with parity conservation
Binary tree summation Monte Carlo method for Potts models
Binary tree summation Monte Carlo simulation for Potts models
Binder cumulants of an urn model and Ising model above critical dimension
Binding of a 3He impurity to a screw dislocation in solid 4He
Binomial moment equations for stochastic reaction systems
Binomial multiplicative model of critical fragmentation
Biological Evolution and Statistical Physics
Biological evolution through mutation, selection, and drift: An introductory review
Biological universality yields new kind of laws
Biology helps you to win a game
Biorthonormal Matrix-Product-State Analysis for Non-Hermitian Transfer-Matrix Renormalization-Group in the Thermodynamic Limit
Bipartite Mean Field Spin Systems. Existence and Solution
Birth, death and diffusion of interacting particles
Bistability driven by colored noise: Theory and experiment
Bistability, negative strain rate sensitivity and visualization of dislocation configurations
Bistable phase control via rocking in a nonlinear electronic oscillator
Bistable stochastic processes in the q-exponential family
Bit-String Models for Parasex