A composition of different $q$ nonextensive systems with the normalized expectation based on escort probability
A compromised arrow of time
A conformal invariant growth model
A conjecture for the superintegrable chiral Potts model
A consequence of local equilibration and heterogeneity in glassy materials
A consistent description of kinetics and hydrodynamics of systems of interacting particles by means of the nonequilibrium statistical operator method
A constrained Potts antiferromagnet model with an interface representation
A constrained stochastic state selection method applied to quantum spin systems
A contact model for the yielding of caked granular materials
A continuous non-linear shadowing model of columnar growth
A Continuous Time Asynchronous Model of the Stock Market; Beyond the LLS Model
A continuous time random walk model for financial distributions
A continuous time random walk model of transport in variably saturated heterogeneous porous media
A contiuum model for low temperature relaxation of crystal steps
A Contracted Path Integral Solution of the Discrete Master Equation
A corner transfer matrix renormalisation group investigation of the vertex-interacting self-avoiding walk model
A correlation between the equilibrium and transport properties of intercalation systems
A corresponding states approach to Small-Angle-Scattering for polydisperse ionic colloidal fluids
A counterexample against the Lesche stability of a generic entropy functional
A coupled order parameter system on a scale-free network