Superfluid Dynamics of a Bose-Einstein Condensate in a Periodic Potential
Superfluid Fermi-Fermi mixture: phase diagram, stability, and soliton formation
Superfluid transition temperature in a trapped gas of Fermi atoms with a Feshbach resonance
Superfluid vs Ferromagnetic Behaviour in a Bose Gas of Spin-1/2 Atoms
Superfluid-insulator transition in a moving system of interacting bosons
Superfluid-Mott Insulator Transition of Spin-1 Bosons in an Optical Lattice
Superfluid-Mott Insulator Transition of Spin-2 Cold Bosons in an Optical Lattice in a Magnetic Field
Superfluid-Superfluid Phase Transitions in Two-Component Bose System
Superfluidity and collective modes in a uniform gas of Fermi atoms with a Feshbach resonance
Superfluidity of Bose-Einstein Condensate in An Optical Lattice: Landau-Zener Tunneling and Dynamical Instability
Superfluidity versus Bloch oscillations in confined atomic gases
Superhydrophobicity on hairy surfaces
Superionic state in double-layer capacitors with nanoporous electrodes
Superior performance of multilayered fluoropolymer films in low voltage electrowetting
Superposition of macroscopic numbers of atoms and molecules
Superposition rheology of shear-banding wormlike micelles
Superradiant light scattering from a moving Bose-Einstein condensate
Supersaturated dispersions of rod-like viruses with added attraction
Supersolidity of glasses
Supersonic dislocations observed in a plasma crystal