Substrate concentration dependence of the diffusion-controlled steady-state rate constant
Substrate Specificity of Peptide Adsorption: A Model Study
Successive Phase Transitions in Antiferroelectric Liquid Crystal Systems
Sudden chain energy transfer events in vibrated granular media
Sudden collapse of a colloidal gel
Sudden Collapse of a Granular Cluster
Super-diffusion around the rigidity transition: Levy and the Lilliputians
Super-heterodyne light scattering on interacting colloidal suspensions: theory and experiment
Super-lattice, rhombus, square, and hexagonal standing waves in magnetically driven ferrofluid surface
Supercoil formation in DNA denaturation
Superconducting transition temperature in thin films
Supercooled fluid-fluid phase transition in three dimensions from a soft-core potential
Supercooled Lennard-Jones Liquids and Glasses: a Kinetic Monte Carlo Approach
Supercooled Liquid Dynamics Studied via Shear-Mechanical Spectroscopy
Supercooled liquids under shear: A mode-coupling theory approach
Supercooled Liquids under Shear: Computational Approach
Supercooled Liquids Under Shear: Theory and Simulation
Supercooled Water and the Kinetic Glass Transition II: Collective Dynamics
Superdiffusion and non-Gaussian statistics in a driven-dissipative 2D dusty plasma
Superfluid current disruption in a chain of weakly coupled Bose-Einstein Condensates