Mechanics of bundled semiflexible polymer networks
Mechanics of Interfacial Composite Materials
Mechanics of non-planar membranes with force-dipole activity
Mechanism of Magnetism in Stacked Nanographite
Mechanism of nucleation and growth near the gas-liquid spinodal
Mechanisms for slow strengthening in granular materials
Mechanisms in the size segregation of a binary granular mixture
Mechanisms of Diffusional Nucleation of Nanocrystals and Their Self-Assembly into Uniform Colloids
Mechanisms of dissipation in wet granular matter
Mechanisms underlying sequence-independent beta-sheet formation
Mechanochemical action of the dynamin protein
Mediation of Long-Range Attraction Selectively between Negatively-Charged Colloids on Surfaces by Solvation
Medium dependence of asphaltene agglomeration inhibitor efficiency
Melting a stretched DNA
Melting and Freezing Lines for a Mixture of Charged Colloidal Spheres with Spindle-Type Phase Diagram
Melting of Colloidal Molecular Crystals on Triangular Lattices
Melting of persistent double-stranded polymers
Melting of Polydisperse Hard Disks
Melting-freezing cycles in a relatively sheared pair of crystalline monolayers
Membrane adhesion and domain formation