Mode-Coupling Theory of Colloids with Short-range Attractions
Mode-coupling theory of the stress-tensor autocorrelation function of a dense binary fluid mixture
Mode-coupling theory predictions for a limited valency attractive square-well model
Model Energy Landscapes of Low-Temperature Fluids: Dipolar Hard Spheres
Model fluid in a porous medium: results for a Bethe lattice
Model for Assembly and Gelation of Four-Armed DNA Dendrimers
Model for coiling and meandering instability of viscous threads
Model for Density Waves in Gravity-Driven Granular Flow in Narrow Pipes
Model for Dynamic Self-Assembled Magnetic Surface Structures
Model for reversible colloidal gelation
Model for the free-volume distributions of equilibrium fluids
Model for the Scaling of Stresses and Fluctuations in Flows near Jamming
Model of coarsening and vortex formation in vibrated granular rods
Model of Controlled Synthesis of Uniform Colloid Particles: Cadmium Sulfide
Model of nanocrystal formation in solution by burst nucleation and diffusional growth
Model-free thermodynamics of fluid vesicles
Modeling Amphiphilic Solutes in a Jagla Solvent
Modeling capsid self-assembly: Design and analysis
Modeling dependence of creep recovery behavior on relaxation time distribution of ageing colloidal suspensions
Modeling Dipolar and Quadrupolar Defect Structures generated by Chiral Islands in Freely-Suspended Liquid Crystal Films