Microphase separation in cross-linked polymer blends: Efficient replica RPA post-processing of simulation data for homopolymer networks
Microphase separation in linear multiblock copolymers under poor solvent conditions
Microphase separation in polyelectrolytic diblock copolymer melt : weak segregation limit
Microphase separation in thin block copolymer films: a weak segregation mean-field approach
Microphase Separation Induced by Differential Interactions in Diblock Copolymer/Homopolymer Blends
Microrheological Characterisation of Anisotropic Materials
Microrheology of non mulberry silk varieties by optical tweezer and video microscopy based techniques
Microrheology, stress fluctuations and active behavior of living cells
Microscale fluid flow induced by thermoviscous expansion along a traveling wave
Microscale swimming: The molecular dynamics approach
Microscopic and coarse-grained correlation functions in concentrated dendrimer solutions
Microscopic and macroscopic compaction of cohesive powders
Microscopic and macroscopic theories for the dynamics of polar liquid crystals
Microscopic Aspects of Stretched Exponential Relaxation (SER) in Homogeneous Molecular and Network Glasses and Polymers
Microscopic basis for pattern formation and anomalous transport in two-dimensional active gels
Microscopic calculations on Raman scattering from acousitc phonons confined in Si nanocrystals
Microscopic dissipation in a cohesionless granular jet impact
Microscopic dynamics of thin hard rods
Microscopic Evolution of a Weakly Interacting Homogeneous Bose Gas
Microscopic implications of S-DNA