Imbibition through an array of triangular posts
Impact of boundaries on velocity profiles in bubble rafts
Impact of Cholesterol on Voids in Phospholipid Membranes
Impact of loop statistics on the thermodynamics of RNA folding
Impact of random obstacles on the dynamics of a dense colloidal fluid
Impact of receptor-ligand distance on adhesion cluster stability
Impact of Short- and Long-range Forces on Protein Conformation and Adsorption Kinetics
Impact of surface roughness on diffusion of confined fluids
Impalement transitions in droplets impacting microstructured superhydrophobic surfaces
Impedance of a sphere oscillating in an elastic medium with and without slip
Impedance of the free surface of liquid electrolytes
Imperfections in Focal Conic Domains: the Role of Dislocations
Impermeability effects in three-dimensional vesicles
Implementation and performance analysis of bridging Monte Carlo moves for off-lattice single chain polymers in globular states
Implementation of Lees-Edwards periodic boundary conditions for direct numerical simulations of particle dispersions under shear flow
Implementation of the control and data acquisition system for a small angle neutron scattering spectrometer according to the "Juelich-Munich standard"
Implications of SU(2) symmetry on the dynamics of population difference in the two-component atomic vapor
Implications of the effective one-component analysis of pair correlations in colloidal fluids with polydispersity
Implicit and explicit solvent models for the simulation of a single polymer chain in solution: Lattice Boltzmann vs Brownian dynamics
Importance of hydrodynamic shielding for the dynamic behavior of short polyelectrolyte chains