Wave functions for quantum Monte Carlo calculations in solids: Orbitals from density functional theory with hybrid exchange-correlation functionals
Wave hierarchies in viscoelasticity
Wave impedance matrices for cylindrically anisotropic radially inhomogeneous elastic solids
Wave localization in stratified square-cell lattices. The antiplane problem
Wave localization in strongly nonlinear Hertzian chains with mass defect
Wave model of forming of the martensite crystal in the heterogeneity medium
Wave Propagation in Generalized Gyrotropic Media
Wave-diffusion theory of spin transport in metals after ultrashort-pulse excitation
Wavefront depinning transition in discrete one-dimensional reaction-diffusion systems
Wavefront singularities associated with the conical point in elastic solids with cubic symmetry
Wavefunction extended Lagrangian Born-Oppenheimer molecular dynamics
Wavelength de-multiplexing properties of a single aperture flanked by periodic arrays of indentations
Wavelength dependent negative and positive persistent photoconductivity in Sn delta-doped GaAs structures
Wavelength Tunability of Ion-bombardment Induced Ripples on Sapphire
Wavepacket basis for time-dependent processes and its application to relaxation in resonant electronic transport
Waves on Icicles
Wavet, a Custom Device Able to Measure Viscoelastic Properties of Wood Under Water-Saturated Conditions Up to 140 deg C (WAVET : Environmental Vibration Analyser for Wood)
Wavevector analysis of the jellium exchange-correlation surface energy in the random-phase approximation: detailed support for nonempirical density functionals
Weak antilocalization and zero-field electron spin splitting in AlGaN/AlN/GaN heterostructures with a polarization induced two-dimensional electron gas
Weak antilocalization effect in LPE-grown p-Hg0.8Cd0.2Te thin film and the evidence of Te-precipitation