I-V analysis of high-energy lithium-ion-irradiated Si and GaAs solar cells
Ice XV: a new thermodynamically stable phase of ice
Ice: a strongly correlated proton system
Icosahedral quasicrystal and 1/1 cubic approximant in Au-Al-Yb alloys
Icosahedral quasicrystals in Zn-T-Sc (T=Mn, Fe, Co, Ni) alloys
Icosahedral Ti-Zr-Ni: A groundstate quasicrystal?
Ideal barriers to polarization reversal and domain-wall motion in strained ferroelectric thin films
Ideal Spin Filters: Theoretical Study of Electron Transmission Through Ordered and Disordered Interfaces Between Ferromagnetic Metals and Semiconductors
Ideal strengths and bonding properties of PuO2 under tension
Ideal, Defective, and Gold--Promoted Rutile TiO2(110) Surfaces: Structures, Energies, Dynamics, and Thermodynamics from PBE+U
Ideality factor in transport theory of Schottky barrier diodes
Idealized glass transitions under pressure: dynamics versus thermodynamics
Identification and characterization of icosahedral metallic nanowires
Identification and selection rules of the spin-wave eigen-modes in a normally magnetized nano-pillar
Identification of a Novel "Fishbone" Structure in the Dendritic Growth of Columnar Ice Crystals
Identification of dipolar relaxations in dielectric spectra of mid--voltage cross--linked polyethylene cables
Identification of Electron Donor States in N-doped Carbon Nanotubes
Identification of excitonic phonon sideband by photoluminescence spectroscopy of single-walled carbon-13 nanotubes
Identification of fullerene-like CdSe nanoparticles from optical spectroscopy calculations
Identification of main contributions to conductivity of epitaxial InN