J-aggregates of thiacyanine dye organized in LB films: effect of irradiation of light
Jahn-Teller Distortion and Ferromagnetism in the Dilute Magnetic Semiconductors GaN:Mn
Jahn-Teller Effect in Diamond-like Carbon Film
Jahn-Teller like origin of the tetragonal distortion in disordered Fe-Pd magnetic shape memory alloys
Jahn-Teller Spectral Fingerprint in Molecular Photoemission: C60
Jahn-Teller stabilization of a "polar" metal oxide surface: Fe3O4(001)
Jamming and Stress Propagation in Granular Materials
Jamming creep of a frictional interface
Janus particles with coupled electric and magnetic moments make a disordered magneto-electric medium
Japanese Experiment Module Exposed Facility (JEM-EF) overview
Jellium surface energy beyond the local-density approximation: Self-consistent-field calculations
Jerky elasticity: Avalanches and the martensitic transition in Cu74.08Al23.13Be2.79 shape-memory alloy
Joule Heating and Current-Induced Instabilities in Magnetic Nanocontacts
Joule heating and thermoelectric properties in short single-walled carbon nanotubes: electron-phonon interaction effect
Joule heating in nanowires
JuNoLo - Julich Non Local code for parallel calculation of vdW-DF nonlocal density functional theory