Macroscopic constitutive law for Mastic Asphalt Mixtures from multiscale modeling
Macroscopic description of the diffusion of interstitial impurity atoms considering the influence of elastic stress on the drift of interstitial species
Macroscopic Equations of Motion for Two Phase Flow in Porous Media
Macroscopic polarization and band offsets at nitride heterojunctions
Macroscopic Polarization from Electronic Wavefunctions
Macroscopic signature of protected spins in a dense frustrated magnet
Macrospin limit and configurational anisotropy in nanoscale Permalloy triangles
Magic Angle Electron Energy Loss Spectroscopy (MAEELS) of core electron excitation in anisotropic systems
Magic structures of helical multi-shell zirconium nanowires
Magnetic and chemical nonuniformity in Ga[1-x]Mn[x]As films as probed by polarized neutron and x-ray reflectometry
Magnetic and chemical properties of Cr-based films grown on GaAs(001)
Magnetic and dielectric properties of YbMnO3 perovskite thin films
Magnetic and Electric Excitations in Split Ring Resonators
Magnetic and electric phase control in epitaxial EuTiO$_3$ from first principles
Magnetic and electric properties of double-perovskites and estimation of their Curie temperatures by ab initio calculations
Magnetic and Electrical Properties of Ordered 112-type Perovskite LnBaCoMnO5+δ(Ln = Nd, Eu)
Magnetic and electrical resistance behaviour of the oxides, Ca$_{3-x}$Y$_x$LiRuO$_6$ (x= 0.0, 0.5 and 1.0)
Magnetic and electron transport properties of the rare-earth cobaltates, La0.7-xLnxCa0.3CoO3 (Ln = Pr, Nd, Gd and Dy) : A case of phase separation
Magnetic and electronic phase transformations in (Sm0.65Sr0.35)MnO3 induced by temperature and magnetic field
Magnetic and Electronic properties of Eu0.9Ca0.1BaCo2O5.5+? with the disparity of Oxygen Stoichiometry