Rabi Waves in Carbon Nanotubes
Rabi Waves in Carbon Nanotubes - Experiment
Radial Band Structure of Electrons in Liquid Metals
Radial breathing mode of single-walled carbon nanotubes: Optical transition energies and chiral-index assignment
Radial deformation measurements of isolated pairs of single-walled carbon nanotubes
Radial Dependence of the Carrier Mobility in Semiconductor Nanowires
Radial elasticity of multi-walled carbon nanotubes
Radial thermal expansion of pure and Xe-saturated bundles of single-walled carbon nanotubes at low temperatures
Radial thermal expansion of single-walled carbon nanotube bundles at low temperatures
Radiation attenuation of bend oscillations of coherent martensitic and twin boundaries
Radiation damage in biological material: electronic properties and electron impact ionization in urea
Radiation efficiency of heavily doped bulk n-InP semiconductor
Radiative heat transfer between nanostructures
Radiative Lifetime of Excitons in Carbon Nanotubes
Radiative Lifetimes of Single Excitons in Semiconductor Quantum Dots- Manifestation of the Spatial Coherence Effect
Radiative recombination of charged excitons and multiexcitons in CdSe quantum dots
Radiative Recombination Spectra of Heavily p-Type delta-Doped Gaas/Alas MQWs
Radiative recombination through EL2 centers in gallium arsenide single crystals doped by selenium and cadmium
Radio frequency signal detection by ballistic transport in Y-shaped graphene nanoribbons
Radius and chirality dependent conformation of polymer molecule at nanotube interface