Z$_2$ topological number of local quantum clusters in the orthogonal dimer model
Z2-vortex order of frustrated Heisenberg antiferromagnets in two dimensions
Zeeman splitting of shallow donors in GaN
Zero Field precession and hysteretic threshold currents in spin torque oscillators with tilted polarizer
Zero valley splitting at zero magnetic field for strained Si/SiGe quantum wells grown on tilted substrates
Zero-energy states in triangular and trapezoidal graphene structures
Zero-temperature generalized phase diagram of the 4d transition metals under pressure
Zero-Temperature Structures of Atomic Metallic Hydrogen
Zig-zag ladders with staggered magnetic chirality in S = 3/2 compound beta-CaCr2O4
Zigzag equilibrium structure in monatomic wires
Zinc-blende CaP, CaAs and CaSb as half-metals: A new route to magnetism in calcium compounds
Zipping and unzipping of nanoscale carbon structures
Zircon to monazite phase transition in CeVO4
Zitterbewegung and its effects on electrons in semiconductors
Zitterbewegung of nearly-free and tightly bound electrons in solids
Zn-related deep centers in wurtzite GaN
ZnCoO Films by Atomic Layer Deposition - influence of a growth temperature on uniformity of cobalt distribution
ZnO:Co Diluted Magnetic Semiconductor or Hybrid Nanostructure for Spintronics?
ZnSe/GaAs(001) heterostructures with defected interfaces: structural, thermodynamic and electronic properties
Zone-Center Dynamical Matrix in Magnetoelectrics