Violation of the `Zero-Force Theorem' in the time-dependent Krieger-Li-Iafrate approximation
Virtual-crystal approximation that works: Locating a composition phase boundary in Pb(Zr_{1-x}Ti_3)O_3
Viscoelastic Fracture of Biological Composites
Viscoplastic Properties and Tribological Behavior of Diamond-Like Carbon Films Using Nanoindentation and Nanoscratch Tests
Viscosity and viscosity anomalies of model silicates and magmas: a numerical investigation
Viscous spin exchange torque on precessional magnetization in $(\mathrm{LaMnO}_3)_{2n}/(\mathrm{SrMnO}_3)_{n}$ superlattices
Visibility study of graphene multilayer structures
Visualization of atomic structure using AFM: theoretical description
Visualization of nano-plasmons in graphene
Visualizing Graphene Based Sheets by Fluorescence Quenching Microscopy
Visualizing Individual Nitrogen Dopants in Monolayer Graphene
Visualizing the spin of individual molecules
Visualizing Three-Dimensional Micromechanical Response in Nanomaterials
Vitrification and Glass Transition of Water: Insights from Spin Probe ESR
Void Formation and Roughening in Slow Fracture
Void Growth in BCC Metals Simulated with Molecular Dynamics using the Finnis-Sinclair Potential
Void Nucleation, Growth, and Coalescence in Irradiated Metals
Void superlattice formation as self-organization phenomemon. 1. Scaling estimates
Void-induced cross slip of screw dislocations in fcc copper
Voids and Mn-rich inclusions in a (Ga,Mn)As ferromagnetic semiconductor investigated by transmission electron microscopy