Wafer Scale Homogeneous Bilayer Graphene Films by Chemical Vapor Deposition
Wafer-Scale Assembly of Semiconductor Nanowire Arrays by Contact Printing
Wafer-scale Epitaxial Graphene Growth on the Si-face of Hexagonal SiC (0001) for High Frequency Transistors
Wafer-scale selective area growth of GaN hexagonal prismatic nanostructures on c-sapphire substrate
Wafer-scale synthesis and transfer of graphene films
Wafer-Scale, Sub-5 nm Junction Formation by Monolayer Doping and Conventional Spike Annealing
Wannier Orbital Overlap Population (WOOP), Wannier Orbital Position Population (WOPP) and the Origin of Anomalous Dynamical Charges
Wannier-based calculation of the orbital magnetization in crystals
Wannier-based definition of layer polarizations in perovskite superlattices
Wannier-function approach to spin excitations in solids
Wannier-function description of the electronic polarization and infrared absorption of high-pressure hydrogen
Wannier-functions characterization of floating bonds in a-Si
Wannier90: A Tool for Obtaining Maximally-Localised Wannier Functions
Was the "Critical Evidence" presented in the South Korean Official Cheonan Report Fabricated?
Watching Domains Grow: In-situ studies of polarization switching by combined Scanning Probe and Scanning Transmission Electron Microscopy
Water adsorption and dissociation on SrTiO3(001) revisited: A density-functional theory study
Water Boiling inside Carbon Nanotubes: Towards Efficient Drug Release
Water in Carbon Nanotubes Is Not the Same Old Stuff
Water on Pt(111): the importance of proton disorder
Water-Gated Charge Doping of Graphene Induced by Mica Substrates