Temperature dependence of core loss in cobalt substituted Ni-Zn-Cu ferrites
Temperature dependence of electric resistance and magnetoresistance of pressed nanocomposites of multilayer nanotubes with the structure of nested cones
Temperature Dependence of Electron to Lattice Energy-Transfer in Single-Wall Carbon Nanotube Bundles
Temperature dependence of electron transport through a quantum shuttle
Temperature dependence of hydrogen local mode frequencies in the ordering bcc metal hydrides
Temperature dependence of in-plane correlation lengths in exchange biased Co/FeF2
Temperature dependence of linewidth in nano-contact based spin torque oscillators: effect of multiple oscillatory modes
Temperature dependence of magnetism near defects in SrB_6
Temperature dependence of microwave and THz dielectric response in Srn+1TinO3n+1 (n=1-4)
Temperature dependence of microwave voltage emission associated to spin-transfer induced vortex oscillation in magnetic tunnel junction
Temperature dependence of nonlinear auto-oscillator linewidths: Application to spin-torque nano-oscillators
Temperature Dependence of Piezoelectric and Electrostrictive Properties in a PBN:65 Morphotropic Phase Boundary Thin Film
Temperature dependence of Raman-active optical phonons in Bi_2Se_3 and Sb_2Te_3
Temperature Dependence of Resistivity of $Sr_2CoMoO_{6-δ}$ Films
Temperature dependence of spin diffusion length in silicon by Hanle-type spin precession
Temperature dependence of spin resonance in cobalt substituted NiZnCu ferrites
Temperature dependence of surface stress across an order-disorder transition: p(1x2)O/W(110)
Temperature dependence of the anharmonic decay of optical phonons in carbon nanotubes and graphite
Temperature Dependence of the Band Gap of Semiconducting Carbon Nanotubes
Temperature dependence of the band gap shrinkage due to electron-phonon interaction in undoped n-type GaN