Numerical analysis of the quantum dots on off-normal incidence ion sputtered surfaces
Numerical atomic orbitals for linear scaling
Numerical Computation of Thermoelectric and Thermomagnetic Effects
Numerical Computations of Conductivities over Agglomerated Continuum Percolation Models
Numerical computations of facetted pattern formation in snow crystal growth
Numerical Confirmation of Late-time t^{1/2} Growth in Three-dimensional Phase Ordering
Numerical Forecast of the Melting and Thermal Histories of Particles Injected in a Plasma Jet
Numerical Improvement of the Discrete Element Method applied to Shear of Granular Media
Numerical Investigation of Light Scattering off Split-Ring Resonators
Numerical Method for Shock Front Hugoniot States
Numerical model of solid phase transformations governed by nucleation and growth. Microstructure development during isothermal crystallization
Numerical Simulation of Grain Boundary Grooving By Level Set Method
Numerical Simulation of Magnetic Interactions in Polycrystalline YFeO3
Numerical simulation of magnetization process in antiferromagnetic ferromagnetic bilayer with compensated interface
Numerical Simulation of The Mechanical Properties of Carbon Nanotube Using the Atomistic-Continuum Mechanics
Numerical Simulation of The Mechanical Properties of Nanoscale Metal Clusters Using The Atomistic-Continuum Mechanics Method
Numerical solution of shock and ramp compression for general material properties
Numerical Solutions of the von Karman Equations for a Thin Plate
Numerical studies of the vibrational isocoordinate rule in chalcogenide glasses
Numerical study of the influence of an applied electrical potential on the solidification of a binary metal alloy