Wavefunctions of Auger Electrons Emitted from Copper Atoms: A Computational Study
Wavelength and intensity dependence of multiple forward scattering at above-threshold ionization in mid-infrared strong laser fields
Wavelength dependence of high-order harmonic generation with the ionization and ponderomotive energy controlled by an extreme ultraviolet pulse
Wavelength dependent ac-Stark shift of the 1S0 - 3P1 transition at 657 nm in Ca
Wavelength scaling of high-order harmonic yield from an optically prepared excited state atom
Wavelengths and transition probabilities in FeIII (Ekberg 1993)
Weak Interaction Contributions in Light Muonic Atoms
Weakly bound states of neutrons in gravitational fields
Wei Hua's Four Parameter Potential Comments and Computation of Moleculer Constants α_e and ω_e x_e
Weighing of trapped ion crystals and its applications
What is the difference in the p-wave and s-wave photodetachment in an electric field?
What Solar Atmospheric Pnenomena Produce the Sun's X-ray-EUV-UV Spectrum?
Whispering Gallery States of Antihydrogen
Why measure astrophysical X-ray spectra? (reply)
Wide range and highly sensitive atomic magnetometry with Rb vapor
Wideband laser locking to an atomic reference with modulation transfer spectroscopy
Wigner Crystals of 229Th for Optical Excitation of the Nuclear Isomer
Working with some of the newer high Z scintillators
Workshop A: Requirements for future SN observations: γ-ray, X-ray UV, Visible, IR
X-ray calibration of a virtual phase 1024 X 1024 CCD