Rotational and rotationless states of weakly-bound molecules
Rotational cooling of heteronuclear molecular ions with ^1-Sigma, ^2-Sigma, ^3-Sigma and ^2-Pi electronic ground states
Rotational cooling of molecules using lamps
Rotational excitation of CS (Lique+, 2006)
Rotational excitation of formaldehyde by H2 (Faure+, 2009)
Rotational excitation of HF in collision with He (Reese+, 2005)
Rotational excitations in two-color photoassociation
Rotational Feshbach Resonances in Ultracold Molecular Collisions
Rotational spectrum of H13^COOCH3 (Carvajal+,
Rotational spectrum of HCOO13CH3 (C
Rotational spectrum of molecular ion NH^+ as a probe for alpha- and m_e/m_p-variation
Rotational structure of weakly bound molecular ions
Rotational structures of long-range diatomic molecules
Rotational transitions of Methyl carbamate (Groner+, 2007)
Rotational-state purity of Stark-decelerated molecular beams
Rovibrational dipole matrix elements for CO (Hure+ 1996)
Rubidium "whiskers" in a vapor cell
Rubidium dimers in paraffin-coated cells
Rubidium lifetime in a dark magneto-optical trap
Rubidium Pump-Probe Spectroscopy: Comparison between ab-initio Theory and Experiment