Electron-ion recombination of Si IV forming Si III: Storage-ring measurement and multiconfiguration Dirac-Fock calculations
Electron-ion-ion coincidence experiments for photofragmentation of polyatomic molecules using pulsed electric fields: treatment of random coincidences
Electron-positron pair creation by Coulomb and laser fields in the tunneling regime
Electronic bridge process in 229Th^+
Electronic correlations in double ionization of atoms in pump-probe experiments
Electronic detection of charged particle effects in a Penning trap
Electronic excitation by short X-ray pulses: From quantum beats to wave packet revivals
Electronic Structure of Atoms in Magnetic Quadrupole Traps
Electronically excited cold ion crystals
Electrostatic trapping of metastable NH molecules
Electrothermal vaporization with axially focusing convection upstream: effects of graphite furnace carbon and K/Pd modifiers on analyte transport
Elemental Abundances in Early-Type Stars -- Cycle 1
Elementary particle physics
Elements and the Cosmos
Elliptical Polarization and Probability of Double Ionization
Elliptical Trajectories in Nonsequential Double Ionization
Emergence of Classical Orbits in Few-Cycle Above-Threshold Ionization
Emergent Radiation in an Atom-Field System at Twice-Resonance
Emerging beam resonances in atom diffraction from a reflection grating
Emission Measures and Electron Densities for the Solar Transition Region