A finiteness property of torsion points
A finiteness result for post-critically finite polynomials
A finiteness theorem for canonical heights attached to rational maps over function fields
A finiteness theorem for the Brauer group of abelian varieties and K3 surfaces
A Formula For All K-Gonal Numbers that Are Centered
A formula for the action of Hecke operators on half-integral weight Siegel modular forms and applications
A formula for the Selmer group of a rational three-isogeny
A functional equation arising from multiplication of quantum integers
A Functional Equation for the Spectral Fourth Moment of Modular Hecke L-Functions
A functorial lower bound for the essential minimum of varities in a power of an elliptic curve
A fundamental domain of Ford type for $SO(3,Z[i])\backslash SO(3,C)/SO(3)$, and for $SO(2,1)_Z\backslash SO(2,1)/SO(2)$
A fundamental domain of Ford type for some subgroups of the orthogonal group
A further improvement of the quantitative Subspace Theorem
A gap principle for dynamics
A Gauss-Kuzmin Theorem for Some Continued Fraction Expansions
A Gel'fond type criterion in degree two
A Gelfand-Beurling formula for heights on endomorphism rings
A general formula in Additive Number Theory
A general Lagrange Theorem
A General Reciprocity Law on arbitrary Vector Spaces