A dichotomy between uniform distributions of the Stern-Brocot and the Farey sequence
A Dictionary between Fontaine-Theory and its Analogue in Equal Characteristic
A Diophantine Frobenius problem related to Riemann surfaces
A Direct Method To Generate Pythagorean Triples And Its Generalization To Pythagorean Quadruples And n-tuples
A Direct Ultrametric Approach to Additive Complexity and the Shub-Smale Tau Conjecture
A Dirichlet unit theorem for Drinfeld modules
A discrete analogue for Minkowski's second theorem on successive minima
A discrete form of the theorem that each field endomorphism of R (Q_p) is the identity
A discrete form of the theorem that each field endomorphism of R (Q_p) is the identity
A Discrete Fourier Kernel and Fraenkel's Tiling Conjecture
A discrete Lefschetz formula
A discrete mean value of the derivative of the Riemann zeta function
A distributional limit law for the continued fraction digit sum
A divergent Vasyunin correction
A Divisor Function Inequality
A double complex for computing the sign-cohomology of the universal ordinary distribution
A Dual Approach to Triangle Sequences: A Multidimensional Continued Fraction Algorithm
A Dynamical Bogomolov Property
A dynamical pairing between two rational maps
A dynamical property unique to the Lucas sequence