A CRT algorithm for constructing genus 2 curves over finite fields
A Cup Product in the Galois Cohomology of Number Fields
A curious result related to Kempner's series
A Cuspidality Criterion for the Exterior Square Transfer of Cusp Forms on GL(4)
A cuspidality criterion for the functorial product on GL(2) x GL(3), with a cohomological application
A cyclotomic approach to the solution of Waring's problem mod p
A Cylcotomic Investigation of the Fermat - Catalan Equation
A database for field extensions of the rationals
A Database of Elliptic Curves over Q(sqrt(5)) - First Report
A Database of Local Fields
A decomposition theorem on differential polynomials of theta functions of high level
A deformation problem for Galois representations over imaginary quadratic fields
A density theorem on even Farey fractions
A density version of Vinogradov's three primes theorem
A detailed note on the zeros of Eisenstein series for $Γ_0^* (5)$ and $Γ_0^* (7)$
A determinant formula for relative congruence zeta functions for cyclotomic function fields
A determinant formula for the partition function p(7k + a)
A determinant of generalized Fibonacci numbers
A deterministic version of Pollard's p-1 algorithm
A devil's staircase from rotations and irrationality measures for Liouville numbers