A characterization of the Z^n lattice
A characterization property on field equivalent to algebraicity on Banach spaces
A class of generalized gamma functions
A class of p-adic Galois representations arising from abelian varierties over Q_p
A class of relations among multiple zeta values
A classical approach on cyclotomic fields and Fermat-Wiles theorem
A Classification of Unimodular Lattice Wiretap Codes in Small Dimensions
A Clean Approach to Rational Cubic Residues
A closed form expression for the Drinfeld modular polynomial $Φ_T(X,Y)$
A cohomological obstruction to weak approximation for homogeneous spaces
A cohomological Tamagawa number formula
A Collatz-type conjecture on the set of rational numbers
A Combinatorial Method for Counting Smooth Numbers in Sets of Integers
A Comment on Matiyasevich's Identity #0102 with Bernoulli Numbers
A comparison of the Carlitz and digit derivatives bases in function field arithmetic
A Complete Annotated Bibliography of Work Related to Sidon Sequences
A complete diophantine characterization of the rational torsion of an elliptic curve
A Computational Study of the Asymptotic Behaviour of Coefficient Fields of Modular Forms
A congruence property of the local Langlands correspondence
A conjecture about numerators of Bernoulli numbers related to Integer Sequence A092291