Zeta Functions of Polynomial Dynamics on the Algebraic Closure of a Finite Field
Zeta Functions of Projective Toric Hypersurfaces over Finite Fields
Zeta functions of regular arithmetic schemes at s=0
Zeta functions of supersingular curves of genus 2
Zeta functions of totally ramified p-covers of the projective line
Zeta-functions of certain K3 fibered Calabi--Yau threefolds
Zhang's conjecture and squares of abelian surfaces
Zhang's Conjecture and the Effective Bogomolov Conjecture over function fields
\bs{p}-Adic Confluence of $\bs{q}$-Difference Equations
\ell-adic class field theory for regular local rings
`Abstract' homomorphisms of l-adic Galois groups and Abelian varieties