Zéros des fonctions L et formes toroïdales
Zeros of Dirichlet series with periodic coefficients
Zeros of Fekete polynomials
Zeros of p-adic forms
Zeros of p-adic forms
Zeros of partial sums of the Riemann zeta-function
Zeros of polynomials over Cayley-Dickson algebras
Zeros of some level 2 Eisenstein series
Zeros of sparse polynomials over local fields of characteristic p
Zeros of Systems of ${\mathfrak p}$-adic Quadratic Forms
Zeros of the alternating zeta function on the line R(s)=1
Zeros of the Hurwitz zeta function in the interval (0,1)
Zeros of the Riemann zeta function on the critical line
Zeta Correspondences in Rank-n
Zeta function and cryptographic exponent of supersingular curves of genus 2
Zeta function factorisation, Dwork hypersurfaces, hypergeometric hypersurfaces
Zeta function of the projective curve $\pmb{aY^{2 l} = bX^{2 l} + cZ^{2 l}}$ over a class of finite fields, for odd primes $\pmb{l}$
Zeta functions for formal weight enumerators and an analogue of the Mallows-Sloane bound
Zeta Functions of Complexes Arising from PGL(3)
Zeta functions of graphs with $\mathbb{Z}$ actions