Vanishing of special values and central derivatives in Hida families
Variables separated equations: Strikingly different roles for the Branch Cycle Lemma and the Finite Simple Group Classification
Variation in the number of points on elliptic curves and applications to excess rank
Variation of Heegner points in Hida families
Variation of Iwasawa invariants in Hida families
Variation of Periods Modulo p in Arithmetic Dynamics
Variation of the canonical height for a family of polynomials
Variations of Hodge-de Rham structure and elliptic modular units
Variations of the Ramanujan polynomials and remarks on $ζ(2j+1)/π^{2j+1}$
Variations on a theme of Runge: effective determination of integral points on certain varieties
Variétés abéliennes et invariants arithmétiques
Varietes de descente, gerbes et obstruction de Brauer-Manin (Descent varieties, gerbes and Brauer-Manin obstruction)
Various congruences involving binomial coefficients and higher-order Catalan numbers
Vector bundles and p-adic representations I
Vector-valued modular forms with an unnatural boundary
Vector-valued modular functions for the modular group and the hypergeometric equation
Verifying a p-adic Abelian Stark Conjecture at s=1
Verifying the Congruence Conjecture for Rubin-Stark Elements
Vers un algorithme pour la réduction stable des revêtements p-cycliques de la droite projective sur un corps p-adique
Very elementary interpretations of the Euler-Mascheroni constant from counting divisors in intervals