The density of rational points on a certain singular cubic surface
The density of rational points on Cayley's cubic surface
The density of rational points on non-singular hypersurfaces, I
The density of rational points on non-singular hypersurfaces, II
The Density of the Set of Trisectable Angles
The development of the princial genus theorem
The dichotomy between structure and randomness, arithmetic progressions, and the primes
The Digit Principle
The Dimension of the Space of Cusp Forms of Weight One
The dimension of vector-valued modular forms of integer weight
The Dimensions of Integral Points and Holomorphic Curves on the Complements of Hyperplanes
The dimensions of spaces of holomorphic second-order automorphic forms and their cohomology
The Diophantine equation $aX^{4} - bY^{2} = 1$
The Diophantine Equation $x^4 + 2 y^4 = z^4 + 4 w^4$---a number of improvements
The Diophantine equation $x^4\pm y^4=iz^2$ in Gaussian integers
The Diophantine Equation x^n+y^m=c(x^k)(y^l), n,m,k,l,c natural numbers
The Diophantine Equation x^{2}+11^{m}=y^{n}
The Diophantine equations $ x^{n}_{1} +x^{n}_{2} +...+x^{n}_{r_{1}}= y ^{n}_{1} +y^{n}_{2} +...+y^{n}_{r_{2}} $
The Dirichlet Series for the Exterior Square $L$-function on GL(n)
The discrete Fourier transform of $r$-even functions