Twisted covers and specializations
Twisted Dedekind Type Sums Associated with Barnes' Type Multiple Frobenius-Euler l-Functions
Twisted Exponential Sums
Twisted exponential sums of polynomials in one variable
Twisted Fermat curves over totally real fields
Twisted Gross-Zagier theorems
Twisted Hecke L-values and period polynomials
Twisted inhomogeneous Diophantine approximation and badly approximable sets
Twisted Klein curves modulo 2
Twisted L-functions over number fields and Hilbert's eleventh problem
Twisted Traces of CM values of Harmonic Weak Maass Forms
Twisted traces of singular moduli of weakly holomorphic modular functions
Twists of Elliptic curves over function fields with a large set of integral points
Twists of X(7) and primitive solutions to x^2+y^3=z^7
Two $S$-unit equations with many solutions
Two addition theorems on polynomials of prime variables
Two Algorithms for Exact Evaluation of the Newman Digit Sum and the Sharp Extimates
Two applications of the curve lemma for orthogonal groups
Two arguments that the nontrivial zeros of the Riemann zeta function are irrational
Two binomial coefficient conjectures