Transcendence of the Gaussian Liouville number and relatives
Transcendence with Rosen continued fractions
Transcendental l-adic Galois representations
Transfer of Siegel cusp forms of degree 2
Transfer operators for $Γ_0(n)$ and the Hecke operators for the period functions for $PSL(2,Z)$
Transference inequalities for multiplicative Diophantine exponents
Transformations of $L$-values
Transformations of Jesus Guillera's formulas for 1/Pi^2
Transformations of Ramanujan's summation formula and its applications
Transformations of Well-Poised Hypergeometric Functions over Finite Fields
Transforming Recurrent Sequences by Using the Binomial and Invert Operators
Transition mean values of real characters
Transition Mean Values of Shifted Convolution Sums
Translation invariance in groups of prime order
Translation invariant equations and the method of Sanders
Transplanting Faltings' garden
Traverso's isogeny conjecture for p-divisible groups
Tree representations of Galois groups
Trees, quaternion algebras and modular curves
Triangles with two given integral sides