The variance of the number of prime polynomials in short intervals and in residue classes
The Weierstrass subgroup of a curve has maximal rank
The weight distributions of a class of cyclic codes
The weight in a Serre-type conjecture for tame n-dimensional Galois representations
The Weil group of a hyper-class formation
The Weil proof and the geometry of the adeles class space
The Weil representation and Hecke operators for vector valued modular forms
The Weil Representations of the Jacobi Group
The Weil-étale fundamental group of a number field I
The Weil-étale fundamental group of a number field II
The Weil-Etale Topology for Number Rings
The Work of Ngo Bao Chau
The yoga of the Cassels-Tate pairing
The zeros of the derivative of the Riemann zeta function near the critical line
The Zeta Function of a Hypergraph
The zeta function on the critical line: Numerical evidence for moments and random matrix theory models
The Zeta Functions of Complexes from $\PGL(3)$: a Representation-theoretic Approach
The Zeta Functions of Complexes from $\Sp(4)$
The zeta-function of monomial deformations of Fermat hypersurfaces
Theorem on best Diophantine approximations for linear forms