The resonance method for large character sums
The Riemann Hypothesis
The Riemann hypothesis for certain integrals of Eisenstein series
The Riemann Hypothesis for Function Fields over a Finite Field
The Riemann Hypothesis for the Goss zeta function for F_q[T]
The Riemann zeros and the cyclic Renormalization Group
The Riemann zeta in terms of the dilogarithm
The Riemann Zeta-Function and Hecke Congruence Subgroups. II
The Riemann Zeta-Function and the Sine Kernel
The rigid analytical regulator and K_2 of Drinfeld modular curves
The Ring of Quasimodular Forms for a Cocompact Group
The Romanov theorem revised
The Saito-Kurokawa lifting and Stark-Heegner points
The Sato-Tate conjecture for Hilbert modular forms
The Sato-Tate conjecture for modular forms of weight 3
The Sato-Tate Conjecture on Average for Small Angles
The Sato-Tate law for Drinfeld modules
The Schroedinger-Weil Representation and Jacobi Forms of Half-Integral Weight
The Search for Maximal Values of min(A,B,C) / gcd(A,B,C) for A^x + B^y = C^z
The second moment of $GL(3) \times GL(2)$ $L$-functions at special points