The number of rational numbers determined by large sets of integers
The number of self-conjugate core partitions
The number of solutions of an equation related to a product of multilinear polynomials
The number of solutions of lambda(x)=n
The odd Catalan numbers modulo 2^k
The Ongoing Binomial Revolution
The Optimal Isodual Lattice Quantizer in Three Dimensions
The optimality of the Boundedness Height Conjecture
The Ostrogradsky series and related probability measures
The Other Group of as Galois Extension
The overconvergent Shimura lifting
The p-adic analytic space of pseudocharacters of a profinite group and pseudorepresentations over arbitrary rings
The p-adic analytic subgroup theorem and applications
The p-adic closure of a subgroup of rational points on a commutative algebraic group
The p-Adic Eisenstein Measure and Fourier coefficients for SL(2)
The p-adic generalized twisted (h,q)-euler-l-function and its applications
The p-adic local monodromy theorem for fake annuli
The p-adic valuation of k-central binomial coefficients
The p-adic valuations of sequences counting alternating sign matrices
The p-part of Tate-Shafarevich groups of elliptic curves can be arbitrarily large