The multiple zeta value algebra and the stable derivation algebra
The n-th prime asymptotically
The Newman phenomenon and Lucas sequence
The Nicolas and Robin inequalities with sums of two squares
The non-existence of certain mod 2 Galois representations of some small quadratic fields
The nontrivial zeros of period polynomials of modular forms lie on the unit circle
The Norm Index Theorem (An Analytic Proof)
The Normal Distribution as a Limit of Generalized Sato-Tate Measures
The number of $S_4$ fields with given discriminant
The number of abc-equations c^n=a+b stisfying the strong abc-conjecture
The number of cubic partitions modulo powers of 5
The number of equations c=a+b satisfying the abc-conjecture
The number of extensions of a number field with fixed degree and bounded discriminant
The number of Goldbach representations of an integer
The number of Hecke eigenvalues of same signs
The number of imaginary quadratic fields with a given class number
The number of integer points in a family of anisotropically expanding domains
The number of iterates of the Carmichael lambda function required to reach 1
The number of nonzero binomial coefficients modulo p^alpha
The number of points on an elliptic curve with square x-coordinates