The Metrical Theory of Simultaneously Small Linear Forms
The Minkowski ?(x) function and Salem's problem
The Minkowski question mark function: explicit series for the dyadic period function and moments
The mixed Schmidt conjecture in the theory of Diophantine approximation
The Mobius function is strongly orthogonal to nilsequences
The Modified q-Euler numbers and polynomials
The modular height of an abelian variety and its finiteness property
The Modular number, Congruence number, and Multiplicity One
The modularity of certain non-rigid Calabi-Yau threefolds
The moment zeta function and applications
The moments of Minkowski question mark function: the dyadic period function
The moments of the Riemann zeta-function. Part I: The fourth moment off the critical line
The monic integer transfinite diameter
The Mordell-Lang Theorem for Drinfeld modules
The Mordell-Lang Theorem for finitely generated subgroups of a semiabelian variety defined over a finite field
The Mordell-Weil rank of the Jacobian of a curve of genus 2 with multiplication by a square root of 2
The Mordell-Weil sieve: Proving non-existence of rational points on curves
The motivic fundamental group of the projective line minus three points and the theorem of Siegel
The multilinear support problem for products of abelian varieties and tori
The Multinorm Principle For Linearly Disjoint Galois Extensions