The Mahler measure of algebraic numbers: a survey
The Mahler Measure of Parametrizable Polynomials
The main conjecture for CM elliptic curves at supersingular primes
The Main Conjecture of Modular Towers and its higher rank generalization
The Manin conjecture in dimension 2
The Manin constant of elliptic curves over function fields
The Many Faces of the Subspace Theorem (after Adamczewski, Bugeaud, Corvaja, Zannier...)
The mass of unimodular lattices
The maximal density of product-free sets in Z/nZ
The maximal order of a class of multiplicative arithmetical functions
The maximum number of points on a curve of genus 4 over F_8 is 25
The maximum number of rational points for a genus 4 curve over F_7 is 24
The maximum size of $L$-functions
The mean square of weighted multiplicities function
The mean value of Frobenius numbers with three arguments
The mean vcalue of the product of class numbers of paired quadratic fields I
The mean vcalue of the product of class numbers of paired quadratic fields II
The mean-square of Dirichlet L-functions
The Mellin transform of the square of Riemann's zeta-function
The Method Of Thue-Siegel For Binary Quartic Forms