tau-recurrent sequences and modular forms
Teitelbaum's exceptional zero conjecture in the function field case
Tempered automorphic representations of the unitary group
Tentative d'épuisement de la cohomologie d'une variété de Shimura par restriction à ses sous-variétés
Terms in elliptic divisibility sequences divisible by their indices
Ternary Codes Associated with $O(3,3^r)$ and Power Moments of Kloosterman Sums with Trace Nonzero Square Arguments
Ternary Codes Associated with O^-(2n,q) and Power Moments of Kloosterman Sums with Square Arguments
Ternary codes associated with symplectic groups and power moments of Kloosterman sums with square arguments
Ternary cyclotomic polynomials having a large coefficient
Ternary Goldbach's Problem Involving Primes of a Special Type
Ternary Kloosterman sums using Stickelberger's theorem and the Gross-Koblitz formula
Ternary Quadratic Forms, Modular Equations and Certain Positivity Conjectures
Ternary Sums of Squares and Triangular Numbers
Ternary universal sums of generalized pentagonal numbers
Test vectors for trilinear forms : the case of two principal series
Test vectors for trilinear forms when at least one representation is not supercuspidal
Test vectors for trilinear forms, when two representations are unramified
Test vectors for trilinear forms, when two representations are unramified and one is special
Testing the functional equations of a high-degree Euler product
The $k$-Tuple Jumping Champions among Consecutive Primes