The least common multiple of sets of positive integers
The Least Prime Primitive Root and the Shifted Sieve
The Leech lattice and other lattices
The Lerch Zeta Function I. Zeta Integrals
The Lerch Zeta Function II. Analytic Continuation
The level 1 case of Serre's conjecture revisited
The level 1 weight 2 case of Serre's conjecture
The Lewis Correspondence for submodular groups
The Limiting Curve of Jarnik's Polygons
The Local Jacquet-Langlands Correspondence Via Fourier Analysis
The local Langlands conjecture for GL(n) over a p-adic field, n < p
The Local Langlands Conjecture for GSp(4)
The local Langlands conjecture for Sp(4)
The local Langlands correspondence for GL_n in families
The Local Lehmer Inequality For Drinfeld Modules
The local Tamagawa number conjecture for Hecke characters, II
The Low Lying Zeros of a GL(4) and a GL(6) family of L-functions
The lowest degree $0,1$-polynomial divisible by cyclotomic polynomial
The L_4 norm of Littlewood polynomials derived from the Jacobi symbol
The Mahler measure and the L-series of a singular K3-surface