The influence of the first term of an arithmetic progression
The Infrastructure of a Global Field of Arbitrary Unit Rank
The Inhomogeneous Hall's Ray
The integral logarithm in Iwasawa theory: an exercise
The Integral of the Riemann xi-function
The intersection of a curve with a union of translated codimension 2 subgroups in a power of an elliptic curve
The intersection of cyclic Kummer extensions with cyclotomic extensions
The invariants of a genus one curve
The inverse problem for representation functions for general linear forms
The inverse problem for representation functions of additive bases
The inverse problem for the lattice points
The inverse sieve problem in high dimensions
The irrationality of a number theoretical series
The irrationality of some number theoretical series
The iterated Carmichael lambda function
The iterated Carmichael λ-function and the number of cycles of the power generator
The iterated integrals of ln(1 + x^2)
The Iwasawa-theoretic Gross-Zagier theorem
The Jacobsthal and Jacobsthal-Lucas sequences associated with pseudo graphs
The Jumping Champion Conjecture